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Black Panther's Ancestral Tree

Pearl of the Post: Root to Rise

Image courtesy of Marvel Entertainment

Marvel Entertainment's newest addition to its super hero domination brings a deeper soul connection into the mix.

My takeaway pearl from the movie is: Those who reach the highest, have the strongest roots. {Click to Tweet This Pearl!}

Those who are firmly rooted draw all the support they need to strive higher.

The Ancestral Tree scene in Black Panther is breathtaking. Before becoming the King of Wakanda and fully inheriting the powers of the Black Panther, there's one last ritualistic step for T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman). Like his ancestors before him, he must visit his ancestral realm, receive their message and/or blessing and return.

And so he does. His father affirmed that T'Challa is in fact ready to become the King.

You see the stark difference between T'Challa and his cousin, Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan). Killmonger's father strayed away from the family tree and betrayed his brother. The cousin desperately wants to return home to his roots. Except he was re-rooted in violence, rage and lost. He'd be returning home to his sacred land and planting his combative and negative vibes from his rough and tumble life experience's away from Wakanda.

When it's Killmonger's turn to cross over to the ancestral realm, his father greets him right where he left him as a boy. Not in the beautifully expansive space of the Ancestors living on their rich fertile grounds, but in his cramped apartment miles away from his roots.

You see the sorrow Killmonger carries back and transmuted into anger which fuels his vengeance.

The purpose and practice of past life regressions and transcendental meditation is to go into another state and receive a message, guidance from your ancestors, angels and spirit guides. You bring the messages back into your earthly reality and move forward.

These two scenes seeped into my subconscious. While asleep the night of seeing the film, I too crossed into the in between realm. There awaited my Grandfather. Mind you, my grandfather has kept a watchful eye and is very present with me since his passing in 2009.

I couldn't fully make out the setting but I think we were in a YMCA. You laugh, but he happened to love to frequent and engage in whatever philosophical classes his local YMCA offered. He always said, "You must keep using your intellect, keep thinking, keep reading, keep questioning".

He was in a rectangular pool with clear water standing at full height underneath the water. I approached him and realized I was under the water too. He threw his hands up and said, "why not?" Followed by, "of course I'd come to visit you when summoned."

In that moment it dawned on me, he came alone. I wondered where the F were my other ancestors?!?!? Why didn't they also come forward when unconsciously summoned?!?! I'm guessing they were too busy at the all ya can eat heavenly buffet.

My grandfather appeared as he looked while in his 70's. His hair not yet fully gray and his body still vibrant and strong. I wish I remembered more of the messages exchanged but that's common with dream state experiences. Sometimes you are just meant to feel it through and trust all the information needed is transferred and coded into your being.

I do remember suddenly feeling alarmed that I was under water. I looked up and began striving for the surface to take a breath. My grandfather looked on with amusement. I noted to him that I was still alive and even whales need to breathe.

He replied, "if you say so".

And therein lies his message. If you say so, then so it is.

In life and in death, his company is very soothing, inspiring and a source of strength. True to form he left me with something to think about and process. I've yet to call my mom to get her insights into our encounter.

The next day my daughter and I were talking about Black Panther. I shared how her great grandpa paid me a visit. Her thoughts trailed into picturing our family tree. She said right now our generational line is on pause until she and her brother get older and have kids.

I love how she gets it, except, we are not paused, we are very much in motion towards the future which god willing will continue to expand and extend our family tree into the future. She's in the space of figuring out her role and connection to her past and how she's to carry it forward into her future.

No doubt, she will be taking our tree to new heights and depths.

(c) 2018 Cynthia Litman. All Rights Reserved.

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