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Pearl of the Post: Snatch Time With Those You Love

My friend Lanie invited me to be her plus one at a screening of the new Mother - Daughter movie 'Snatched" starring Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn hosted by The Moms Denise Albert and Melissa Gerstein. A Q&A with the film's stars, director and producer followed afterwards.

I snatched at the chance.

Was happy to meet the moms behind The Moms Network but mostly, I freaking love Amy Schumer. Amy is a fellow Long Island girl and I totally relate to her balls out personality. This is Hawn's first movie in 15 years and it felt great to laugh with her again.

There's much in "Snatched" that mother - (adult) daughters can relate to.

The daughter (Schumer) is in a bit of self induced sabotaged mess and thinks that thirty is the new teenager. Her mom (Hawn) is a divorced homebody with 500 cats clinging to fear like it were her job. She's also trying to wrangle with Facebook and desperately wants to stay relevant in her daughter's life.

The characters are very exaggerated and there are some serious LOL moments from the stars and bonus, Wanda Sykes. The movie touches upon some deeper issues like sex trafficking and kidnapping.

After being dumped Schumer needs to fill the plus one slot on her "non-refundable" vacation that she planned. Schumer convinces her mom to leave the house and the states to go with her.

Hawn distrusts the world and Schumer is very naive. (Spoiler Alert - but not really) Schumer gets them snatched and it throws them into a Survivor like journey.

They have serious trust testing exercises along the way.

The truths start coming out as does the anger and the years of things unsaid. They fall in and out of their lifelong mother daughter scripts of blame, defensiveness and ultimately return to love.

Hawn says the pearl, "you're mine until you're 18 and then you're gone."

And it's clear Hawn clung to the motherhood role to define her identity and has been home ever since Schumer left. With her adult son, I might add, who clings to his momma and brings lots of laughs on his own.

Somewhere through the jungles of Equador, then Colombia they re-connect with themselves and with each other. They are filthy dirty half the movie and clean up their dysFUNctional relationship. But look at me getting all serious about a comedy movie with Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn.

If you go in expecting to laugh and be highly entertained you will not be disappointed.

Plus, it's awesome to celebrate a movie whose leading roles are filled by a women of a certain age and a "healthy" looking 30 something.

Oh, and Amy also is an Executive Producer on the film - you go girl!

Go take your mom, laugh, scream (I did twice!!) and have fun.

The best part for me was listening to Amy say how she first approached Goldie in an airport about playing her mom and basically stalked her until she said yes. In the "Minute for Mom" segment above, they also were asked who they call when the sh*t goes down and they both replied "my sister." Shout out to my sister, who always answers my calls.

Mostly remember to love your mom and each other while you have each other because time is something that keeps getting snatched.

Love u mom. Happy Mother's Day!

Mommas Pearls Meter: 3 Pearls

Snatched, Rated R

20th Century Fox

Director: Jonathan Levine (pictured right)

Producer: Paul Feig (Pictured left)

The full interview with the stars can be found at The Moms Podcast.

(c) Copyright 2017 Cynthia R. Litman, Esq., PLLC All Rights Reserved.

Note: While I was graciously invited to this screening, I was not otherwise compensated.

The laughs were as real as they get and the trek up the 53rd/3rd street subway stairs that I almost died on was totally worth it!.

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